Weekly music sessions
We have two music groups that run on Monday evenings during term time. In both groups students are supported on a one-to-one basis by a volunteer tutor who will work with the student throughout the course of the year. Sessions take place in Workshop 3 at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire.
Sessions are free to access but we suggest a donation of £3 per session to contribute towards our running costs.
If you have a child or young person with additional needs and would like to join one of our groups please email melodymusicmaking@gmail.com or complete an online form here.
MMB Musicians
Monday 6-6:45pm
MMB Musicians explore music through fun, sensory sessions. The structured sessions use sound, song and movement to explore musical elements throughout the term.
All students are supported 1-to-1 by a volunteer tutor.
Suitable for 5-13 year olds. Parents and carers are required to stay in the session.
No previous musical experience is necessary.
MMB Band
Monday 7-8pm
MMB Band is an inclusive ensemble, rehearsing songs and pieces the group provides opportunities for instrumental and vocal skills to be explored in a supportive, structured and fun environment.
All students are supported 1-to-1 by a volunteer tutor.
Suitable for young people and adults. Parents and carers are encouraged to stay to watch the sessions.
No previous musical experience is necessary.
At the end of the Spring and Summer terms we invite friends and family to a sharing event in which the students demonstrate what they have been working on during the course of the term. Each student will also receive a report at the end of the year.
Instrument teaching
If you are interested in learning an instrument or want to know more about instrumental music opportunities for people with learning disabilities in please get in touch.